Concise History of the Mormon Battalion, by Sergeant Daniel Tyler. Before entering upon the History of the Mormon Battalion, it seems necessary to offer some explanation of the previous condition of the Latter-day Saints; otherwise the reader unacquainted with those facts would scarcely be able to appreciate the situation of the people at the time of the enlistment of the Battalion.
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section A
Concise History of the Mormon Battalion (D. Tyler) Daniel Tyler, a Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War, 1846-47 BY SERGEANT DANIEL TYLER. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1881, by Daniel Tyler, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A Concise History […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section B
They appointed their meetings in various parts of Hancock, M’Donough, and other Counties, which soon resulted in the organization of armed mobs, under the direction of officers who reported to their head-quarters, and the reports of which were published in the “anti-Mormon” paper, and circulated through the adjoining Counties. We also published in the Times […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section C
The council did not refuse to attend to the legal proceedings in the case, but as the law of Illinois made it the privilege of the persons accused to go “or appear before the issuer of the writ, or any other justice of peace,” they requested to be taken before another magistrate, either in the […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section D
These men evidently winced at an exposure of their acts, and thus vulgarly, impudently, and falsely repudiated them. One of their number, Mr. Mar, addressed himself several times to me while in conversation with the governor. I did not notice him until after a frequent repetition of his insolence, when I informed him that “my […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section E
While at Brother Fellow’s house, Captain Dunn, accompanied by Mr. Coolie, one of the governor’s aid-de-camps, came up from Carthage en route for Nauvoo with a requisition from the governor for the State arms. We all returned to Nauvoo with them; the governor’s request was complied with, and after taking some refreshments, we all returned […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section F
“In relation to the writ served upon us, we were willing to abide the consequences of our own acts, but were unwilling, in answering a writ of that kind, to submit to illegal exactions, sought to be imposed upon us under the pretense of law, when we knew they were in open violation of it. […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section G
I do not remember the names of all who were with us that night and the next morning in jail, for several went and came; among those that we considered stationary were Stephen Markham, John S. Fullmer, Captain Dan Jones, Dr. Willard Richards, and myself. Dr. Bernhisel says that he was there from Wednesday in […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section H
While I lay there a number of persons came around, among whom was a physician. The doctor, on seeing a ball lodged in my left hand, took a penknife from his pocket and made an incision in it for the purpose of extracting the ball therefrom, and having obtained a pair of carpenter’s compasses, made […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section I
He has, I believe, stated that he left the “Carthage Grays” there because he considered that, as their town was contiguous to ours, and as the responsibility of our safety rested solely upon them, they would not dare suffer any indignity to befall us. This very admission shows that he did really expect danger; and […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section J
Yet I went about unchecked. I went into empty workshops, rope-walks and smithies. The spinner’s wheel was idle, the carpenter had gone from his work-bench and shavings, his unfinished sash and casing. Fresh bark was in the tanner’s vat, and the fresh-chopped lightwood stood piled against the baker’s oven. The blacksmith’s shop was cold, but […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section K
The snow, and sleet, and rain which fell, as it appeared to them, without intermission, made the road over the rich prairie soil as impassable as one vast bog of heavy black mud. Sometimes they would fasten the horses and oxen of four or five wagons to one, and attempt to get ahead in this […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section L
It was during the period of which I have just spoken, that the Mormon battalion of 520 men was recruited and marched for the Pacific Coast. At the commencement of the Mexican war, the President considered it desirable to march a body of reliable infantry to California at as early a period as practicable, and […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section M
Not being able thus to watch his course, he lost his way and had to regain it through a wretched tract of low meadow prairie, where there were no trees to break the noon, nor water but what was ague-sweet or brackish. By the time he got back to the trail of the high prairie, […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section N
Before my attack, I was fond of conversing with an amiable old man, I think English born, who, having then recently buried his only daughter and grandson, used to be seen sitting out before his tent resting his sorrowful forehead on his hands, joined over a smooth white oak staff. I missed him when I […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section O
Against the season, when ordinary emigration passes the Missouri, they were already through the South Pass; and a couple of short days’ travel beyond it, entered upon the more arduous portion of their journey. It lay in earnest through the Rocky Mountains. They turned Fremont’s Peak, Long’s Peak, the Twins, and other king summits, but […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section P
* See his remarks as contained in his History of Illinois, page 269. Ford’s History of Illinois, page 246. * Deseret News, No, 29, Sept. 23, 1857, p. 226. * Ford’s History of Illinois, page 330, 331. * Deseret News, No 30, Sep. 30, 1857, page 233. * Ford’s History of Illinois, page 333. * […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section Q
Acting upon this order, Captain Allen proceeded to Mount Pisgah, one of the camps of the Saints, and explained the object of his visit by issuing the following: Circular to the Mormons “I have come among you, instructed by Colonel S. F. Kearney, of the U. S. Army, now commanding the Army of the West, […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section R
The following are the names of officers and men, also families accompanying the command, as far as they have been obtained: List of Names in the Mormon Battalion COMPANY A. OFFICERS. Jefferson Hunt, Captain. George W. Oman, 1 st. Lieutenant. Lorenzo Clark, 2nd. Lieut. William W. Willis,3rd Lieut. (1 st Sergeant at Muster In) James […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section S
Privates (2) 1 Allen George 2 Allen Elijah 3 Alexander Horace M. 4 Allen Franklin 5 Bush Richard 6 Bird William 7 Bingham Thomas 8 Bingham Erastus 9 Billings Orson 10 Bigler Henry W. 11 Boley Samuel (died on Missouri river) 12 Barrowman John 13 Brackenberry Benj. B. 14 Brown Francis 15 Bliss Robert S. […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section T
Company D. Officers Nelson Higgins, Capt. George P. Dykes, 1 st Lieut. Sylvester Hulett 2 nd Lieut. Cyrus C. Canfield, 3 rd Lieut. Nathaniel V. Jones, 1 st Sergt. (Private at M. O.) Thomas Williams, 2 nd Sergt. Luther T. Tuttle, 3 rd Sergt. Alpheus P. Haws, 4 th Sergt. Arnold Stephens, 1 st Corp. […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section U
Privates (5) 1 Allen John, (drummed out of service; non-“Mormon”) 2 Allen George 3 Bentley John 4 Beers William 5 Brown Daniel 6 Buckley Newman 7 Bunker Edward 8 Caldwell Matthew 9 Campbell Samuel 10 Campbell Jonathan 11 Cazier James 12 Cazier John 13 Clark Samuel 14 Clark Albert 15 Chapin Samuel 16 Cox John […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 02 Section A
CHAPTER II First Orders Issued-Condition of Families and Feeling of Soldiers-Instructions of Church Authorities-a Pathetic Story By a Soldier’s Wife. The following orders were read immediately after the first four companies and part of the fifth were mustered into service: “HEAD QUARTERS, MORMON BATTALION, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, July 16, 1846. (ORDER NO. 1.) “In virtue […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 03 Section A
CHAPTER III Money Subscribed By the Soldiers for Their Families and Poor Friends-First Death on the Journey-Out of Flour-a Prejudiced Missourian-Regrets of Mobocrats-Hurricane-Arrival At Fort Leavenworth-Anecdote of Colonel C.-Dr. Sanderson Appointed Surgeon-Haste to Get Muskets-Character of Missouri Volunteers-More Money Subscribed By the Soldiers-Superior Intelligence and Obedience. PREVIOUS to taking up the line of march, on […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 03 Section B
A Missouri farmer, learning that “Joe” belonged to the Mormon community, informed him that he had had the honor of having his colonel to dine with him, and represented him as being a fine appearing man and a gentleman. On receiving a description of the colonel’s person and dress, “Joe” concluded that it could have […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 04 Section A
CHAPTER IV Departure of Elders on Missions-Sickness-Start From Fort Leavenworth-Henry Standage Lost-News of Col. Kane’s Sickness-a Severe Storm-Feast of Honey-Ancient Ruins-Sanford Porter Healed in Answer to Prayer-Wagon Overturned in a Creek-Colonel Allen’s Death-Death of Jane and John Bosco On the 8th of July Elders Orson Hyde, John Taylor and J. C. Little took leave of […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 05 Section A
CHAPTER V Question of a New Commander-Captain Hunt Elected-Arrival of Smith and Sanderson-Council of Officers-Smith Elected to Take Command-Smith’s Inhuman Treatment of the Sick-Repulsed By Sergeant Williams-the Sick Object to Take Drugs-Sergeant Jones Protests Against Their Being Forced to-Dykes’ Perfidy-Letter From President Young-the “Old Iron Spoon”-a Fiendish Doctor After learning of the death of Colonel […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 06 Section A
CHAPTER VI A Faithful Sentinel Arrests the Colonel-the Colonel Frightened-Buffalo Meat-Military Law Read-Difficult Crossing-the Author Sick-Dread of the Doctor’s Poisonous Drugs-Begs to be Left to Die-News of the Capture of Santa Fe-Dosed With Calomel-Disobey the Doctor and Recover-Doctor Claims Credit for the Cure-Camomile Tea-Who Used the Brandy-Pace’s Account of Colonel Allen’s Death Etc Soon after […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 07 Section A
CHAPTER VI Correspondence Between Sanderson and Smith and President Young-the True Version of How the New Commander Should Have Been Selected The following are the letters referred to by Lieutenant Pace, with their replies: FORT LEAVENWORTH, August 22, 1846. Mr. Brigham Young and Others, Council Bluffs, GENTLEMEN:-I have the painful task to perform of informing […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 08 Section A
CHAPTER VIII Novel Way of Catching Fish-Wagon Upset and Man Injured-Overtake Price’s Regiment-Character of Price and His Men-Higgins’ Detachment Sent to Pueblo-Dissatisfaction-Alva Phelps Drugged to Death-Curious Phenomenon-Suffer From Thirst-Forced-Marches-Men Salivated While at the crossing of the Arkansas, many fish were caught by the soldiers by spearing them in the shallow water with swords and bayonets. […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 09 Section A
CHAPTER IX Rations Reduced-Bones of Mules Found-Ancient Ruins-the Officers and Healthy Men Push on for Santa Fe-Sick Left to Follow Without a Doctor-Style of Milking Spanish Goats-Arrival At Santa Fe-Partiality Shown the Battalion By General Doniphan-Glimpse At Missouri Persecutions To add to the hardships of the men they were reduced to two-thirds rations, and, through […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 10 Section A
CHAPTER X Captain Higgins’ Detachment-Norman Sharp Accidentally Shot-Left to be Doctored By An Indian and Dies-Colonel Cooke Takes Command of the Battalion-His Orders We will leave the main army for a season and return to the Arkansas river and follow Captain Higgins’ detachment to Pueblo, their winter quarters. This detachment left the Battalion at the […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 11 Section A
CHAPTER XI Detachment Sent to Pueblo From Santa Fe-Death of Milton Smith-Death of Joseph W. Richards-Tributes From His Comrades and Sister Hunt The names of the officers and men who went from Santa Fe to Pueblo to winter, under command of Captain James Brown, are as follows, so far as known: Company a Joseph W. […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 11 Section B
I believe the detachment took up its line of march on the 18th instead of the 17th, as directed in the order of Colonel Cooke; so says John G. Smith, one of the party, who kept a daily journal. Few incidents occurred on the journey from Santa Fe to Pueblo outside of the ordinary routine […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 12 Section A
CHAPTER XII Colonel Cooke’s Statement of the Condition of the Battalion-Paid in Checks That Could Not be Cashed-Send Them to Council Bluffs-Reason for Lieutenant Gully’s Resignation-Condition of Animals-Strict Discipline of Colonel Cooke-An Officer the First to be Punished Of the condition and fitness of the Battalion to pursue their journey across the great American Desert, […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 13 Section A
CHAPTER XIII Mexicans Too Much Prejudiced to Sell Us Supplies-Mexican Costumes-Sergeant Elmer Reduced to the Ranks-Navajo Raids on the Mexicans-Hardships of Our Journey-Animals Devoured Wholly Except Bones and Hair-Men Have to Pull the Wagons-a Song On the 22nd, the Assistant Quartermaster vainly endeavored to obtain fresh mules and oxen from some small Mexican towns that […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 14 Section A
CHAPTER XIV Lieutenant Dykes Resigns His Adjutancy-Dinner of Sheep’s Lights-Mexican Spurs-Mexican Woman Stolen By the Navajos-Hampton Reported Well By Dr. Sanderson and Dies a Few Hours Afterwards-Another Reduction in Rations-Rumors of Intended Revolt-Two Men Punished Through the Meanness of Dykes-Sergeant Elmer Restored to Office-Discouraging Reports of Guides-Condition of Teams Up to the 1st of November […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 15 Section A
CHAPTER XV Lieutenant Willis Sent Back With the Sick-Only Five Days’ Rations for a Journey of 300 Miles-Ox Mired and Killed-Oxen Providentially Provided-Death of Elijah Freeman and Richard Carter-Wagons Exchanged for Pack Animals-Sickness of Men-Left on the Way-a Severe Journey-Snow Four Feet Deep-Arrival At Pueblo-Condition of Men-Gilbert Hunt Sent Back for the Sick-Sad Death of […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 16 Section A
CHAPTER XVI Detachments of Brown and Higgins-Death of Milton Kelley-Houses Completed-Death of Two Children Also John Perkins Brother Scott Arnold Stevens and M. S. Blanchard-Rumors of a Revolt-Visit to Soda Fountain-Description of the Place-Game Killed-Pay Received Also Orders to March to California Few incidents of importance had occurred with the detachments of Captains Brown and […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 17 Section A
CHAPTER XVII Journey Commenced-Meeting With a. M. Lyman and Others From Council Bluffs-Emotions At Meeting-a Perilous and Severe Journey By Tippetts and Woolsey-Arrival of the Detachment At Fort Laramie-Follow the Pioneer Trail-Arrival in Salt Lake Valley-Disbanded On the 26th the company laid by, waiting for the provision wagons from Bent’s Fort, and the following day […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 18 Section A
CHAPTER XVIII Travels of the Main Army-Two Wagons Left-Antics of Oxen on Being Packed-Muskets Used for Tent Poles-First Indian Wigwams-Ancient Earthenware and Glass-Leave the Rio Grande-Ancient Gold Mine-Goats Killed-Table Land-Road Turns to Mexican Settlements-Council Decides to Go That Way-Prayers for the Colonel’s Mind to be Changed-a Scare-Prayer Answered-Men March Ahead of Teams to Break the […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 19 Section A
CHAPTER XIX Author’s Birthday-Severe Suffering From Thirst-Mirage-Reach Water-John R. Murdock Sick-Henry G. Boyle Healed in Answer to Prayer-Bear Killed-Crossing the Mountains-Wagons Lowered With Ropes-Dykes Almost Shot While Playing the Spy-Wild Cattle-Killing a Wild Bull-Return of John Allen-His Adventures The 23rd was the thirtieth anniversary of the author’s birth, and this is how it was celebrated: […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 20 Section A
CHAPTER XX The Apache Indians-Jerking Beef-Loading of Guns and Firing At Game Prohibited-Order Disregarded-Author Sick-Calomel and Arsenic As Medicine-Death of Elisha Smith-Howling of the Wolves-a Song The commander expected to obtain some fresh animals of the Indians at the rancho, San Bernardino, but was disappointed. We rested one-and-a-half days at this place, and the hunters […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 21 Section A
CHAPTER XXI Wild Horses-Game Plentiful-Wild Cattle Congregate on Our Route-a Battle With Them-Losses on Both Sides-One Man Thrown Ten Feet in the Air-Wonderful Tenacity of Life in the Wild Bulls-Coolness and Bravery of Corporal Frost-a Song on the Bull Fight From Ash Creek we marched seventeen miles north-west and encamped without wood or water, except […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 22 Section A
CHAPTER XXII Decide to March Through Tucson-Guide Held At Tucson As Prisoner-Mexican Soldiers Arrested and Held As Hostages Until Foster Is Released-Mexicans Refuse to Surrender-Prepare for An Engagement-Mexican Soldiers Desert the Town-We March Through-Kindness of Citizens-Public Wheat Taken for Mule Feed-Primitive Mills-An Alarm-An Excited Officer-Letter to the Governor of Sonora We followed down the river […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 23 Section A
CHAPTER XXIII Long and Difficult March Without Water-Great Suffering-a Laughable Occurrence-the Pima Village-the Natives-News From Kearny-a Cruel Order-the Maricopa Indians-Their Honesty On the 18th, the command resumed its journey. At the end of seven miles, the mules were watered. This was the last water for a considerable distance, as the stream sank at that place. […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 24 Section A
CHAPTER XXIV Cross a Bend of the Gila-Brackish Water-Difficult Traveling-Boat Made of Two Wagon-Boxes-Provisions Shipped in It-Fears for Its Safety-Boating a Failure-Cargo Left-Another Reduction in Rations-Feed on Mezquit Seeds-Arrival At the Colorado-Crossing the River-Suffering of the Men Sent Back for Flour-Wagon Stuck in the Middle of the River-Left There By the Colonel-His Statement Incorrect-Wagons Abandoned […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 25 Section A
CHAPTER XXV Troublesome Fires in the Brush-Discouraging Prospect-No Water-Alas for Human Hopes-a Trying March-Great Suffering From Thirst-Meet Fresh Mules and Some Beeves-Freezing At Night and Scorching By Day-Arrival At the Coriza-Happy Relief-Good Water to Drink-Novel Style of Boots The fire set by the guide, which seemed the only method of getting a road, annoyed us […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 26 Section A
CHAPTER XXVI Heavy Roads-Last Food Eaten-Messengers From San Diego-Cheerfulness of Men-News of Battles-Cutting a Road Through a Mountain Gorge-Arrival At Warner’s Rancho-a Full Meal-Cheap Beef-Hot Spring-Sleeping under Water-Flour From the Boat Disaster-March for San Diego-Beef Diet On the 17th, we traveled fifteen miles over very heavy sand and encamped between two mountains. The fresh animals, […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 27 Section A
CHAPTER XXVII First View of the Pacific Ocean-Arrival At San Diego Mission-Complimentary Order From Colonel Cooke-General Kearny’s Entry to California-Skirmishes With Californians Traveling down the river, on the 27th, we arrived at San Luis Rey, a deserted Catholic mission, about noon. One mile below the mission, we ascended a bluff, when the long, long-looked for […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 28 Section A
CHAPTER XXVIII Kearny’s Stubborn Defense on the Hill-Providential Strategem of the Enemy-Desperate Resolve-Timely Relief-Sufferings of Kearny’s Men-the Last Decisive Battle-Civil War Feared-Fremont’s Men Refuse to Deliver Public Property-Commodore Stockton’s Report to the Secretary of the Navy-Commodore Stockton Refuses to Treat With Jose Ma Flores-Colonel Fremont’s Assumption-Articles of Capitulation-Dispute Settled-Wisdom of Stockton and Kearny-Battalion and Dragoons […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 29 Section A
CHAPTER XXIX Men Visit San Diego-Precautionary Measure-March to San Luis Rey-Police Detailed-Men Nearly Naked-Exhorbitant Prices of Clothing-Catholic Church-Public Square About Four Acres-Semi-Tropical Fruit Trees-Large Reservoir-Duties of Soldiers in Garrison-Regrets At Having to Shave-Reasons Assigned-Fleas and Vermin-Only Clothing-R. N. Allred a Non-Commissioned Staff Officer-Sunday Dress Parade-the Drill Commenced-Incident of Drill-Religious Services-Seventies’ Meetings-Considered Officious The foregoing is, […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 30 Section A
CHAPTER XXX Company B Sent to San Diego-Change of Diet-Religious Services-Sentinel Court-Martialed for Sleeping At His Post-Colonel Dissatisfied With the Meagre Penalty Remits the Sentencerrowman Accepts the Result As An Answer to Prayer-Detachment Sent After Wagons-Curious Ox Yokes-Garrison Dutieseutenant Stoneman and Detachment Sent to San Diego-Reduced to the Ranks-Unsettled Condition of Governorship-Circular From Commodore Shubrick […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 31 Section A
CHAPTER XXXI Complaints of Short Rations-Tale-Bearing Dykes-Sergeant Jones and Corporal Lane Reduced to the Ranks-March to Los Angeles-Cooke Applies for Ordnance and Fails-Four Indians Killed-Captain Hunt’s Explanation-Death of David Smith-San Luis Rey Abandoned-Petition for Discharge of Battalion Treated With Contempt By Officers-Arrival of Colonel Mason-Hatred of Fremont’s Men Towards the Battalion-Cajon Pass Guarded Much dissatisfaction […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 32 Section A
CHAPTER XXXII Efficiency of the Battalion-John Allen Excommunicated-Colonel Cooke Orders the Horses Purchased By Soldiers Sold At Auction-Fort Erected-War Imminent-Detachments All Called in-Dragoons Our Champions-Privilege to Re-Enlist Declined-Death of Captain Hunter’s Wife-Colonel Stevenson Appointed to Supersede in Command-Letters From Families-News of a Battle-Arrival of General Kearny-He Compliments the Battalion-Skirmish With Indians-a Barbarous Practice Abolished-General Kearney’s […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 33 Section A
CHAPTER XXXIII Company B At San Diego-Building a Fort-Religious Services-Literary Club-Cheap Animals-“Herding Stallions”-Death of Albert Dunham-“Stocks”-Miserable Mobocrat-Fossil Remains-Wedding-Immoral Priest-Soldiers Seeking Work-News of General Taylor’s Victory-Colonel Stevenson’s Arrival and Address-Lieutenant Clift Appointed Alcalde-First Brick Made in California-Fourth of July Celebrated-Citizens of San Diego Petition to Have the “Mormon” Soldiers Remain-Song-Return to Los Angeles The General, and […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 34 Section A
CHAPTER XXXIV Slaughter of Dogs-“Dancing Bill”-Detachment to San Pedro-Accident to John Spidle-Soap Factory-John Allen Drummed Out of Service-Fate of Hastings’ Company-Liberty Pole-Celebration of St. John’s Day-Colonel Stevenson’s Speech and Invitation to Re-Enlist-Other Speeches Pro and Con-Conditions for Re-Enlistment Rejected By Colonel Stevenson-Liberty Pole Raised-the Glorious Fourth-Bull Fight-Battalion Discharged-Paid Off-Some Re-Enlist On the 4th and 5th […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 35 Section A
CHAPTER XXXV Travels of General Kearny’s Escort to Monterey-Kearny’s Arrival-Fremont under Arrest-Overland Journey Commenced-Incidents of Travel-Costume of Digger Indians-Losses in Fording a River-Visits From Brethren-Sacramento Valley-Remains of the Ill-Fated Emigrants-a Horrible Scene-Bury the Bones-Accidental Shooting-Nude Indians-Boiling Springs-Pass Soda Springs and Bear Lake Valley-Meet Companies of the Saints-Arrival At Fort Leavenworth and Discharge-Fremont Put in Irons […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 36 Section A
CHAPTER XXXVI Discharged Soldiers At Los Angeles-Their Morality Etc. -Organize for the Return Trip-Journey Commenced-a Remarkable Dream and Its Fulfillment-Difficult Mountain Trail-Animals Lost-Beef Cattle Slaughtered-a Memorial of a Mountaineer’s Death-the Hottest Day-Vain Search for Walker’s Pass-Ecstatic Dance of An Indian-Sacramento Valley-News of the Pioneers-Some of the Men Decide to Remain and Work in California Let […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 37 Section A
CHAPTER XXXVII Get Horses Shod and Procure An Outfit-Johnson’s Mill-Nude Indians-Mrs. Johnson’s Story-Horrible Account of Suffering-Human Beings Living on the Flesh of Their Fellows-Taste Developed for Such Food-Meet Samuel Brannan Returning to California-Doleful Account of Salt Lake Valley-Captain James Brown Met-Epistle From the Twelve Apostles-Letters From Friends On the 26th, we traveled twenty miles and […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 38 Section A
CHAPTER XXXVIII Many Return to California-Death of Henry Hoyt-Money Providentially Provided-Clothing Lost-Pants Worn Out-Skins Purchased for a New Pair-Arrival in Salt Lake Valley-Destitute Condition of Men-Clothing Donated for Them-Seeds Brought By Battalion-Prolific Yield of Peas-Characteristics of Peas Change From the last-named encampment, many, probably over half of the company, returned in accordance with the instructions […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 39 Section A
CHAPTER XXXIX Eastward Journey Resumed-No Flour to be Obtained for the Trip-Disappointments At Bridger and Laramie-Scant Fare-Episode With Indians-Diet of Rawhide Saddle Bags-Providential Freezing of the River-Reach Winter Quarters-Kindness of Friends A few of the members of the Battalion found their families in Salt Lake Valley on our arrival there, and, of course, had no […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 40 Section A
CHAPTER XL “Mormon Volunteers”-Quartered in San Diego-Detachment Sent to San Luis Rey-Death of Sergeant Frost and Neal Donald-Extra Work Done By the Soldiers-Serve Longer Than They Enlisted for-Immorality Among Their Successors-Journey to Salt Lake Valley By the Southern Route It will now be proper to return to a consideration of the members of the discharged […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 41 Section A
CHAPTER XLI Men Who Returned to California for Work-Employed By Captain Sutter to Build Mills-Discovery of Gold in the Mill Race By Mr. Marshall-Other Discoveries-Effects of the Gold Fever.- Nothing of note transpired among those who started back on the 7th or 8th of September, 1847, to find labor for the fall and winter, until […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 42 Section A
CHAPTER XLII Attempt to Explore a New Route to Salt Lake Valley-Forced to Return on Account of Deep Snow-Three Men Grow Impatient and Make Another Attempt and Are Murdered By Indians-the Company Follow and Discover Their Remains-Animals Alarmed-Scattered By the Firing of a Cannon According to previous arrangements, a company of eight persons started on […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 43 Section A
CHAPTER XLIII Make a Road to Carson Valley-Meet Emigrants-Their Joy At News of Gold-Enter the Valley By the Deep Creek Route-“Mormon” Enterprise in San Francisco-Adventurous Trip From San Francisco to Council Bluffs At Rock Springs the company halted two or three days, and with the entire force were only able to work the road for […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 44 Section A
CHAPTER XLIV President Young Requested By the Military Commander of California to Have Another Battalion Sent Ther-President Young’s Address to the “Battalion Boys” in Salt Lake Valley-Why the Call Was Made for the Battalion-Opposed to Their Re-Enlisting President George Q. Cannon, in his “History of the Church,” alluding to that period immediately succeeding the arrival […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 45 Section A
CHAPTER XLV First General Festival of the Mormon Battalion in Salt Lake Valley-Speeches By Father Pettegrew Presidents Young Kimball and Grant Sergeant Hyde Captain Brown Lieutenants Clark and Thompson and Brothers Huntington Williams Wilkin King Garner Durphy Hess and Hawk Some items connected with the first general festival of the Battalion, which was held in […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 45 Section B
“The brethren who went with the Battalion went with as good hearts and spirits, according to the extent of their understanding, as ever men went upon missions to the world, and they manifested a readiness to do anything required of them. “I will say to you, that, according to the best knowledge I have of […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 45 Section C
“What could be more gratifying than what we enjoyed of the blessings of heaven while passing through these trying scenes? It would be impossible, and therefore it is useless to attempt a description of what we passed through; for never since the days of Adam did a set of men live, and I may say […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 46 Section A
CHAPTER XLVI Synopsis of a Lecture By James Ferguson-Correspondence Between Ferguson and Cooke-Cooke’s Deference to the Mormon Battalion When Passing Through Salt Lake City in 1858-Survivors of the Mormon Battalion-Song The following from a lecture by Sergeant Major James Ferguson, delivered before an assembly of Elders, including the Presidency of the Church in Europe, at […]
History Mormon Battalion Chapter 46 Section B
“GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, “August 25, 1858. “Editor Deseret News: “Having been requested by numerous friends to publish the accompanying letters, and obtained the permission of Colonel Cooke to do so, I shall feel obliged by your insertion of them in the News. “Very respectfully, “Yours in Christ, “JAMES FERGUSON.” “GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, U. […]