Facts Relative Expulsion Section K

Facts Relative to the Expulsion

(Section 11)

Isaac Galland, Esq., of Commerce, Illinois.


At a meeting of the citizens held in the chapel of the Cincinnati College, on the evening of June 17th, for the purpose of affording John P. Greene, the representative of the Mormon people, an opportunity to set forth the claims of that sect to the sympathies and charities of the American people, relative to their recent persecutions and sufferings in the state of Missouri, William Greene was called to the chair, and N. Allen appointed secretary.

After Mr. Greene had made his statement, the meeting was addressed by the Hon. Thomas Morris, who offered the following resolutions, which were then unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That we have heard with sensations of the deepest regret the tale of wrong and suffering, inflicted on the people called Mormons, while resident citizens of Missouri, by an armed mob of the people of that state, who, it appears to us, acted under the advice and orders of Governor Boggs, and whose conduct we believe to be an outrage upon every principle of justice, and all law, human and divine; alike disgraceful to the actors, and to the state which neglects to bring them to condign punishment.

Resolved, That we will cheerfully aid, by our means, the widows and fatherless, made so by the hand of ruthless violence, in this most unprincipled and disgraceful transaction, and we assure the surviving sufferers of our sincere sympathy in their distress, and will extend to them as far as in our power, that support which they so much need to alleviate their present wants, and to restore them to their just rights.

Resolved, that the story of wrongs done the Mormon people, which we have just heard, almost surpasses human credulity; and we believe they ought to be spread before the American people and the world, in the best authentic form that can be obtained.

Resolved, That a committee of four persons, (of whom the chairman of this meeting shall be one,) be appointed to collect all the facts in their power, and present them to a future meeting in the form of a preamble and resolutions.

Resolved, that all those who may think proper to contribute, may do so by handing over the same to the chairman of this meeting, who will keep a list of names, and the amount donated by each, and report the same to the next meeting.

Resolved, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the City newspapers.

The meeting then adjourned to Monday evening next, to meet at the Cincinnati College.


N. Allen, Secretary.


An adjourned meeting was held in the College Chapel, last evening, according to previous notion; William Greene, Esq., in the chair.

Mr. J. P. Greene addressed the meeting, going over much the same ground as at his previous address. He told some additional facts, however, in relation to the conduct of the executive of Missouri, and showed some of the reverend clergy in that section in a light by no means enviable.

The chairman then submitted the preamble and resolutions below, on the passage of which an exciting debate took place. J. C. Vaughan, Esq., and Dr. McDowell opposing, and Rev. Mr. Channing and Dr. Weston in favor of their passage; the debate was short but spirited, and want of room only prevents us from giving a sketch of it. The preamble and resolutions were passed, and are as follows: The committee appointed at a meeting of the citizens of Cincinnati, to consider the sufferings of the people called Mormons, begs leave to report the following preamble and resolutions:

Whereas, It is our duty as men and Christians, to befriend the oppressed every where-a duty which becomes more urgent, when the injured have equal claims with ourselves to the protection of institutions, by which our own rights are guarded; and whereas, freedom of conscience is a sacred trust, which all men should solemnly respect; and this freedom is infringed whenever prejudice, bigotry, intolerance or popular caprice are allowed to persecute men for opinions, which the few or the many may judge absurd or noxious; and whereas, civil liberty is an inheritance, won by long struggle, and bequeathed to us, which we are in gratitude and in honor bound to transmit unimpaired; and this liberty is violated whenever the rights of any individual, however humble or hated, are trampled upon with impunity, and whenever mobs are permitted to attack the object of their dislike, under any pretext whatever of defending the property, reputation or morals of communities; and whereas the people called Mormons are our fellow citizens, and have a just title to all civil and religious privileges, till proven guilty and subject to penalty before legal tribunals; and whereas, Missouri mobs have cruelly persecuted these people, plundered their stores, stolen their cattle, wasted their fields, burnt their houses, driven them from their homes, abused their women, murdered their men, and a Missouri executive has unconstitutionally, and against all law, exiled them under threats of extermination, thus authorizing outrage and robbery, and a Missouri Legislature has slighted the appeal for justice and refused restitution for the wrongs of 10,000 injured citizens; Therefore,

Resolved, that we are compelled as citizens, Christians, and men, to express our indignation at this precedent given for religious persecution, lawless violence, and mob rule.

Resolved that we commend the conduct of the citizens of Quincy, Illinois, in their generous defense and aid of the Mormons, and trust that their example will be followed by the expression of just censure of these social crimes through public meetings and the press.

Resolved, That we approve of the attempt of John P. Greene, to make known, the history of his people’s wrongs to the whole nation, through addresses and publications.

Resolved, that we consider the destitute, the aged, the widows, the orphans, among the Mormons, proper objects of charity, and that we will now take up a contribution for their relief.


N. Allen, Secretary.
Expulsion of the Mormons

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