Facts Relative Expulsion Section A

Facts Relative to the Expulsion

Expulsion of the Mormons (J. Greene)

(Section 1)



A painting of mormon saints leaving Nauvoo while temple is burning in the background.“Better far sleep with the dead, than live with the oppressed.”
Facts Relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons or Latter Day Saints, From the State of Missouri, under the “Exterminating Order.”

To Citizens and Christians of the United States

Friends and Brethren,-Your attention is earnestly requested to the following pamphlet.

It is no plea for Mormons. It is no defense of their creed, character or conduct. The Mormons are willing, for the present, that you should think evil of them, if it seems to you best. Their acts and purposes are known to God; and must sooner or later be known to men. They claim only the right of not being condemned unheard.

But whatever your opinion may be of them, individually or collectively, they know that you are ignorant of events which concern every free man of these states. They feel that it is their duty, as citizens and men, to expose to you the injustice they have received from the people, authorities, executive, and legislature of Missouri, and therefore they present to your consideration a collection of facts, relative to their late violent expulsion under Governor Boggs’ “exterminating order,” from the properties they had purchased, the fields they had improved, the homes they had built. This pamphlet is not a detailed history of their persecution, but a simple sketch of its leading incidents, as given in a Memorial to the Legislature of Missouri by an appointed committee of their brethren; to which are added statements under oath and explanatory illustrations. The editor of the pamphlet is John P. Greene, the authorized messenger of the Mormons, whose claims to confidence may be estimated from the following letter:-

Quincy, (Illinois,) May 8th, 1839.

To all whom it may concern,

The undersigned, citizens of Quincy, Illinois, take great pleasure in recommending to the favorable notice of the public, the bearer of this, John P. Greene. Mr. Greene is connected with the Church of “Mormons,” or “Latter-day Saints,” and makes a tour to the east for the purpose of raising means to relieve the sufferings of this unfortunate people; stripped as they have been of their all, and now scattered throughout this part of our state. We say to the charitable and benevolent, you need have no fears but your contributions in aid of humanity will be properly applied, if entrusted to the hands of Mr. Greene. He is authorized by his Church to act in the premises, and we most cordially bear testimony to his piety and worth as a citizen.

Very respectfully yours.

I. N. MORRIS, Attorney at Law and Editor of Argus,
THOMAS CARLIN, Governor State of Illinois,
SAMUEL LEECH, Receiver of Public Moneys,
J. T. HOLMES, Merchant,
C. M. WOODS, Clerk. Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois.

Mr. Greene’s objects are two-fold. First, he wishes to make as widely known as possible to the citizens and Christians of the United States the wrongs, which mobocracy and intolerance have inflicted; and secondly, to collect contributions for the relief of the destitute.

The views of the Mormons may be more fully understood from the two following letters:

To the Editors of the Argus.

GENTLEMEN-Observing in the last week’s Whig, a communication over the names of Messrs. Rigdon and J. and H. Smith, in relation to the letters of Mr. Lyman Wight, which have lately appeared in that paper, and believing that the sentiments therein expressed, are in unison with those entertained by the body, of which we form a part, and feeling desirous to give publicity to the same, we should esteem it a favor if you would give it a place in your columns, and by so doing, you will oblige,

Yours, Respectfully,


Commerce, May 17th, 1839.

To the Editors of the Quincy Whig.

GENTLEMEN-Some letters in your paper have appeared over the signature of Lyman Wight, in relation to our affairs with Missouri. We consider that it is Mr. Wight’s privilege to express his opinion in relation to political or religious matters, and we profess no authority in the case whatever; but we have thought, and do still think, that it is not doing our cause justice, to make a political question of it in any manner whatever. We have not at any time thought, that there was any political party as such, chargeable with the Missouri barbarities, neither any religious society as such.

They were committed by a mob, composed of all parties, regardless of all differences of opinion, either political or religious.

The determined stand in this state, and by the people of Quincy in particular, made against the lawless outrages of the Missouri mobbers, by all parties in politics and religion, have entitled them equally to our thanks and our profoundest regard; and such, gentlemen, we hope they will always receive from us. Favors of this kind ought to be engraven on the rock to last forever.

We wish to say to the public through your paper, that we disclaim any intention of making a political question of our difficulties with Missouri, believing that we are not justified in so doing. We ask the aid of all parties, both in politics and religion, to have justice done us to obtain redress of our grievances.

We think, gentlemen, in so saying we have the feelings of our people generally, however individuals may differ, and we wish you to consider the letters of Mr. Weight, as the feelings and views of an individual, but not of the society as such. We are satisfied that our people, as a body, disclaim all such sentiments, and feel themselves equally bound to both parties, in this state, as far as kindness is concerned, and good will; and also believe, that all political parties in Missouri are equally guilty. Should this note meet the public eye through the medium of your paper, it will much oblige your humble servants,


Fellow Citizens and Brethren! Turn not a deaf ear to this cry of the oppressed! The Mormons are outlawed, exiled, robbed; -they ask of your justice and your charity that you befriend them. They have suffered these outrages from mob violence; they bid you beware, lest licentiousness unreproved bring ruin to your own privileges. Law has been trampled down, and liberty of conscience violated, and all rights of citizenship and brotherhood outraged by the house-burnings, field-wastings, insults, whippings, murders, which they have suffered; and in the name of humanity and of heaven, they pray you to utter the indignant condemnation merited by such crimes.
Facts Relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons or Latter Day Saints, From the State of Missouri, under the “Exterminating Order.”

Facts Relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons from the State of Missouri

From the Quincy (Illinois) Argus, March 16, 1839.


We give in today’s paper the details of the recent bloody tragedy acted in Missouri-the details of a scene of terror and blood unparalleled in the annals of modern, and under the circumstances of the case, in ancient history-a tragedy of so deep, and fearful, and absorbing interest, that the very life-blood of the heart is chilled at the simple contemplation. We are prompted to ask ourselves if it be really true, that we are living in an enlightened, a humane and civilized age-in an age and quarter of the world boasting of its progress in every thing good, and great, and honorable, and virtuous, and high-minded-in a country of which, as American citizens, we could be proud-whether we are living under a constitution and laws, or have not rather returned to the ruthless times of the stern Atilla-to the times of the fiery Hun, when the sword and flame ravaged the fair fields of Italy and Europe, and the darkest passions held full revel in all the revolting scenes of unchecked brutality, and unbridled desire?

We have no language sufficiently strong for the expression of our indignation and shame at the recent transaction in a sister state-and that state Missouri-a state of which we had long been proud, alike for her men and history, but now so fallen, that we could wish her star stricken out from the bright constellation of the Union. We say we know of no language sufficiently strong for the expression of our shame and abhorrence of her recent conduct. She has written her own character in letters of blood-and stained it by acts of merciless cruelty and brutality that the waters of ages cannot efface. It will be observed that an organized mob aided by many of the civil and military officers of Missouri, with Governor Boggs at their head, have been the prominent actors in this business, incited too, it appears, against the Mormons by political hatred, and by the additional motives of plunder and revenge. They have but too well put in execution their threats of extermination and expulsion, and fully wreaked their vengeance on a body of industrious and enterprising men, who had never wronged, nor wished to wrong them, but on the contrary had ever comported themselves as good and honest citizens, living under the same laws and having the same right with themselves to the sacred immunities of life, liberty, and property.

Proceedings in the town of Quincy for the purpose of affording relief to the people usually denominated “The Latter-day Saints.”

At a meeting of the Democratic Association, held on Saturday evening the 23rd ultimo, Mr. Lindsay introduced a resolution setting forth, that the people called “The Latter-day Saints,” were many of them in a situation requiring the aid of the citizens of Quincy, and recommending that measures be adopted for their relief; which resolution was adopted, and a committee consisting of eight persons appointed by the chair-of which committee J. W. Whitney was chairman. The association then adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening then next, after instructing the committee to procure the Congregational meeting-house as a place of meeting, and to invite as many of the people to attend the meeting as should choose to do so, in whose behalf the meeting was to be held, and also all others, citizens of the town. The committee not being able to obtain the meeting-house, procured the court house for that purpose.

Wednesday, Feb. 27th, 1839
6 o’clock

The members of the Democratic Association, and the citizens of Quincy generally, assembled in the court house to take into consideration, the state and condition of the people called “The Latter-day Saints,” and organized the meeting by appointing General Leach chairman, and James D. Morgan secretary.

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