Mormon Doctrine Regarding Prophets

Mormon Doctrine Regarding Prophets

Mormon Doctrine States God’s Pattern of Revelation: Prophets and Scripture Mormon doctrine asserts belief in prophets, both ancient and modern. God, according to Mormon doctrine, desires to talk to mankind and to teach them His truth.  The Apostle Peter taught that...


For Mormons, death is merely another step in the eternal progression planned for us by God, our Heavenly Father. Mormons don’t fear their own deaths, and when a loved one dies, they grieve only as they would if someone moved away. For Mormons, life begins not on...
Every Mormon a Missionary

Every Mormon a Missionary

David O. McKay, who was Mormon Church president from 1951–1970, traveled the world extensively, visiting Mormons in every land and overseeing the largest construction of chapels and Mormon temples up to that time.  He also greatly increased the Mormon missionary force...
Love of Jesus Christ

Love of Jesus Christ

Charity: The Pure Love of Jesus Christ In John 15:12, Jesus Christ says to his followers, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.”  Followers of Jesus Christ are commanded to love and serve one another just as Jesus Christ loves and...
Every Mormon a Missionary

Mormon Gospel

The Gospel of Jesus Christ The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the “good news” that Jesus Christ has overcome death and sin through His sacrifice, death, and resurrection.  It further means that mankind, through faith on Jesus’ name, repentance from our sins, baptism by...
Mortal Life

Mortal Life

Mortality The Creation and the Fall According to the beliefs of Mormonism, God created this world for us, as is recorded in the Bible (Genesis 1–2).  He then created our bodies “in [His] image, after [His] likeness” (Genesis 1:26).  The first man and woman were Adam...
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