Development of the Church Welfare Program

Development of the Church Welfare Program

The Great Depression hit the United States hard on Ocotber 29, 1929.  Its effects reached everyone, the Saints not excluded. In 1932 unemployment in Utah had reached a staggering 35.9 percent. Many were willing to work, but were unable to find it. People had to stand...
Law of Consecration

Law of Consecration

As the Saints were gathering to Kirtland, many of them were leaving all of their possessions behind to obey the commandment of God. Others were poor to begin with. Joseph saw how so many were suffering and turned to the Lord to inquire what should be done. Joseph had...


The morality of Mormonism is sometimes considered old-fashioned. It is, of course-it was taught to Adam and Eve from the beginning of time. In the second chapter of Genesis, Adam was instructed to cleave unto his wife. From this time on, God began to teach His...
Mormon Godhead

Mormon Godhead

The Godhead in Mormon Belief The first Article of Faith of the Mormon Church states simply that, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”  This is the basic belief of Mormonism: God is the all-powerful, all-wise,...
Mission of the Mormon Church

Mission of the Mormon Church

The Church and Kingdom of God To accomplish His work here on earth, God has established His Church through living prophets, who have the priesthood authority to act in his name.  Jesus Christ’s Church, which is the Mormon Church, officially called The Church of...
Mormon Tithing and Donations

Mormon Tithing and Donations

The word tithing, or tithe, means a tenth part. The paying of tithing to the Lord and His church has been a commandment for thousands of years. The first record of tithing is found in Genesis 14:20, when Abraham paid tithing to Melchizedek. In the biblical days of the...
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