Our Purpose
The history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—casually dubbed Mormonism—is a modern epic. As a website, we desire to share that story with the world by sharing engaging, factual, and succinct accounts of the faith, dedication, and sacrifice of church members. We seek to be an honest resource where one can find biographies of past presidents and other influential members of the Church, personal accounts of church members, sourced articles regarding historical events, and online books on church history.
In addition to providing educational content, this website seeks to provide knowledge that may be used to satisfy one’s own curiosity, clear up confusion regarding certain historically-rooted subjects within the Church, strengthen personal testimonies, and promote open conversation between members and non-members alike. We invite you to not only read the information provided about the history of the Church, but to ponder upon the things which you learn.
Sincere questions and comments are always encouraged, as is guest content.
Mormon Gospel
The Gospel of Jesus Christ The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the “good news” that Jesus Christ has overcome death and sin through His sacrifice, death, and resurrection. It further means that mankind, through faith on Jesus’ name, repentance from our sins, baptism by...
A New Century
In the early twentieth century, Mormon missionaries continued to preach in the traditional lands of Europe and throughout America, while still seeking to reach entire new countries in order to fulfill Jesus Christ’s commandment to “teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19). ...
The Nauvoo Temple
After the abortive attempts to build temples in Missouri, both in Jackson County and later in Far West, Daviess County, the Mormons built their first true temple in Nauvoo, Illinois. In late 1838, the Mormons had been forcibly expelled from Missouri by the infamous...