Our Purpose
The history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—casually dubbed Mormonism—is a modern epic. As a website, we desire to share that story with the world by sharing engaging, factual, and succinct accounts of the faith, dedication, and sacrifice of church members. We seek to be an honest resource where one can find biographies of past presidents and other influential members of the Church, personal accounts of church members, sourced articles regarding historical events, and online books on church history.
In addition to providing educational content, this website seeks to provide knowledge that may be used to satisfy one’s own curiosity, clear up confusion regarding certain historically-rooted subjects within the Church, strengthen personal testimonies, and promote open conversation between members and non-members alike. We invite you to not only read the information provided about the history of the Church, but to ponder upon the things which you learn.
Sincere questions and comments are always encouraged, as is guest content.
The Unknown Contributions of Mormon Pioneer George Laub
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (which church is often inadvertently referred to as the “Mormon Church”), is full of stories of ordinary people who made extraordinary sacrifices for their beliefs. All Latter-day Saints (“Mormons”) are encouraged to...
Joseph Smith: Prosecuted and Persecuted
In an angelic visitation, the Prophet Joseph Smith, the first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often mistakenly called the Mormon Church), was told that God had a work for him to do and that his “name should be had for good and evil among...
Jane Grover: Gift of Tongues Saved Her From Indians’ Malice at Winter Quarters
Mormon Pioneer Jane Grover (1830-1873) traveled with the John Tanner family to Utah. In the summer of 1847, while camped with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint (often inadvertently called the Mormon Church), in Winter Quarters, Nebraska, Jane,...
Joseph Smith Owed His Life to Dr. Nathan Smith
Dr. Nathan Smith Nathan Smith was born on September 30, 1762, in Rehoboth, Massachusetts. He first began practicing surgery in Chester, Vermont, at age 21. In 1790, he earned his MB from Harvard College’s medical department, only the third person to do so. From...
10 Mormon Historical Sites You’ve Never Heard Of
Mormon Historical Sites By Doris White. The early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often inadvertently referred to as “Mormons”) suffered a great deal at the hands of mobs and misguided government officials. Looking at the places where they...
Women’s Rights and Mormonism
Extraordinary Mormon Women Women belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have always done remarkable things. Emma Smith, first president of the Latter-day Saint women’s organization, told the women working with her, “We are going to do something...