Mormons of Harkers Island, Bibliography

Strengthened by the Storm: The Early Mormons of Harkers Island, NC, by Joel G. Hancock.


Amspacher, Karen Willis. ed. “The Banks Church.” Island Born and Bred. Morehead City, N. C.: Harkers Island United Methodist Women, 1987.
“The Island Church.” Island Born and Bred. Morehead City, N. C.: Harkers Island United Methodist Women, 1987.

Bice, Agnes, ed. The Jesse W. and Alice Richins Family in the Twentieth Century. Carmichael, California: Sun River Graphics, 1984.

Clogg, F. Bertram. “Revelation.” The Abingdon Bible Commentary. Nashville, TN.: The Abingdon Press, 1929.

Draughon, Wallace R. History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Carolina. Durham, N. C.: The Durham Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1974.

Elders’ Journal. vol 3. Chattanooga, TN., Southern States Mission, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, February 1, 1906-August 1, 1906.

Hackworth, Dorothy South. “Burning the Church on Harkers Island, North Carolina.” The Master’s Touch. St. Anthony, Idaho, 1952.

History of Trinity United Methodist Church: Marshallberg, N. C. (1875-1975). Marshallberg, N. C., Trinity United Methodist Church, 1975.

Jenson, Andrew. Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia. 4 vols. Salt Lake City, Publishers Press, 1971.

Kugelman, Richard. “The First Letter to the Corinthians.” The Jerome Biblical Commentary. 2 vols. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968.

Liahona, The Elders’ Journal. vol 6. Salt Lake City, Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, May 22, 1909.

Lefler, Hugh Talmage and Newsome, Albert Ray. The History of a Southern State: North Carolina. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1973.

McConkie, Bruce R. Mormon Doctrine. Salt Lake City, Bookcraft, 1966.

Millennial Star. vol. 68, no. 24. Salt Lake City, Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1906.

News and Observer (Raleigh, N. C.), January – March, 1904.

Smith, Joseph Fielding, Jr. Essentials in Church History. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1950.

Stick, David. The Outer Banks of North Carolina 1584-1958 Chapel Hill, N. C.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1958.
Adams, Golden. Letter to Joel G. Hancock. Provo, Utah, October 20, 1986.

Adams, William Albert. Missionary Journal (May 1900 to June 1902). 3 vols. The copy used in this study was obtained from William Albert Adam’s grandson, Golden V. Adams, of Provo, Utah.

Anderson, Lucinda Young. Personal Letter to Joel G. Hancock. Orem, Utah, October 23, 1987.

Andrus, Alma A. Missionary Journal (April 2, 1905 to May 2, 1905). The original is in the possession of his son, Milo Andrus, of Spanish Fork, Utah.

Davis, Lillian Lewis. “Brief History of Shackleford Banks.” Harkers Island, N. C., c. 1954.

“History of Harkers Island.” Harkers Island, N. C., c. 1954.

“History of the Latter-day Saint Church on Harkers Island.” Harkers Island, N. C., c. 1979.

“How My Life Was Saved.” Harkers Island, N. C., c. 1954.

“My Mother (Bertha T. Willis).” Harkers Island, N. C., c. 1954.

Gaskill, Almeta Willis. “Alford Willis.” Greenville, N. C., 1987.

Godfrey, James M. Missionary Journal (April 1899 to May 1891). The original is in the possession of his niece, Mrs. Donna Heaps, of Smithfield, Utah.

Guthrie, Chauncey and Guthrie, Dorothy. Taped Conversation with Joel G. Hancock. Harkers Island, N. C., January 3, 1987.

Guthrie, Ruby Ingram. “My Grandmother.” Harkers Island, N.C., 1987.

Hancock, Charlie W. Letter to Robert W. Hancock. Harkers Island, N. C., June 12, 1973.

Hansen, Milton. Letter to Ira Telford. St. Anthony, ID., May 11, 1978.

Hansen, William, Missionary Journal (August 1, 1897 to December 30, 1898). The original of this volume is in the possession of his son, Milton Hansen, of St. Anthony, Idaho. A copy also is on file at Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho.

Harkers Island Branch Manuscript History. Salt Lake City, Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 26, 1913.

Hobbs, William R. Missionary Journal (August 25, 1902 to September 22, 1904). The original is in the possession of his son-in-law, Orval Bowles, of Preston, Idaho.

Hurtado, Duffie F. Letter to Joel G. Hancock. Salt Lake City, Utah, February 25, 1987.

Johnson, Lewis W. Missionary Journal (October 9, 1903 to October 21, 1905). The original is in the possession of his son, Stanley B. Johnson, of Pleasant Grove, Utah.

North Carolina Conference Manuscript History. Salt Lake City, Utah, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, February 15, 1905-February 22, 1925.

Respess, Lena Taylor. “Henrietta Willis Salter.” Sea Level, N. C., January 18, 1987.

Respess, Lena Taylor. “Mary Lewis Willis.” Sea Level, N. C., January 18, 1987.

Sabin, Sylvia Wall. Telephone Conversation with the author (Joel G. Hancock). Escondido, CA., March 2, 1987.

Smith, Maurine Harker. “Something About Johnnie (A History of John Henry Wall).” Boise, Idaho, October 15, 1987.

Southern States Mission Manuscript History. Salt Lake City, Utah, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, October 30, 1903-February 19, 1925.

Taylor, Harrell, “Data on Hurricanes for Sea Level, North Carolina-Carteret County,” Sea Level, N. C., (Date Unknown).

Taylor, James M. Missionary Journal (August 27, 1900 to June 13, 1902). The original of this volume is in the possession of Elwin Dean Hyder of Sonoma, California.

Telford, John Witt. “Brief History of John Witt Telford.” (Date Unknown). The original is in the possession of his son, Dr. Ira Telford, of Washington, D. C.

Telford, John Witt. Missionary Log Book (December 1895 to August 1898). 2 vols. The original is in the possession of his son, Dr. Ira Telford, of Washington, D. C.

Wall, Don H. Telephone Conversation with Joel G. Hancock. Salem, Oregon, March 2, 1987.

Wall, Junietta. Letter to John Wall. Santaquin, Utah, February 28, 1899.

Willis, Carl M. and Willis, Clara D. Taped Conversation with Joel G. Hancock. Harkers Island, N. C., January 4, 1987.

Willis, Gilda. “History of Joe Wallace Willis and Margaret Meekins Willis.” Jacksonville, N. C., 1982.

*Copies of each of the unpublished materials here included are on file at the Family History Center, Harkers Island Ward, Kinston
N.C. Stake, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Harkers Island, N. C.

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