The Worldwide Growth of Mormon Temples

The Worldwide Growth of Mormon Temples

Under President David O. McKay, who was president and prophet of the Mormon Church from 1951 to 1971, the Mormon Church once again concentrated itself on missionary work.  Under President McKay, every worthy young man was asked to serve as a Mormon missionary, and the...
Mormon Temples: The House of God

Mormon Temples: The House of God

Mormon temples are designed to be a place set apart from the world, even more so than chapels.  The atmosphere of the Mormon temple is to be light and peaceful, a refuge from the world and a place where the Spirit of God can have great influence.  For these reasons,...
The Worldwide Growth of Mormon Temples

Mormon Temples in the Rocky Mountains

On July 24, 1847, the first body of Mormon pioneers, led by Brigham Young and the Quorum of the Twelve, reached the Salt Lake Valley.  Four days later, Brigham Young marked the spot for the building of the next temple, which would serve as the center of their new...
History of Mormon Temples

History of Mormon Temples

The temples of the Mormon Church are one of its most unique and distinguishing characteristics and a fruition of Mormon beliefs in the afterlife and in the purpose of our lives here on earth.  Since earliest Mormon history, the prophets and members of the Mormon...
Temples to Dot the Earth

Temples to Dot the Earth

In 1995, Gordon B. Hinckley became President and Prophet of the Mormon Church.  Perhaps no person in Mormonism since Joseph Smith has had such an impact on Mormon temples and Mormon temple ceremonies.  In the Mormon temple ceremony, instructional material was...
Origins of the Mormon Temple

Origins of the Mormon Temple

As early as 1830, Joseph Smith received revelations alluding to the fact that God would require the young Mormon Church to build a temple.  Even earlier, the Book of Mormon (which Joseph Smith had translated from the records of an ancient people who lived in the...
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