The Conversion Story of Karl Ivar Sandberg

The Conversion Story of Karl Ivar Sandberg

The first time I heard of the Mormons was in 1923.  I was then studying with a friend of mine and was reading a book about western traveling.  In this book was a short account, perhaps a page or two telling about the Mormons.  I asked this friend of mine what kind of...
Wilford Woodruff’s 1880 Revelation

Wilford Woodruff’s 1880 Revelation

During the period of the extreme and unrelenting prosecutions under the anti-polygamy acts of Congress, President Wilford Woodruff spent much of his time among the churches in Arizona and southern Utah. On January 26, 1880, having retired for some days in the...
Hyrum’s Feelings on His Imprisonment

Hyrum’s Feelings on His Imprisonment

After escaping from his wrongful five-and-a-half-month imprisonment in Liberty Jail, Clay County, Missouri, Hyrum recalled and summarized his feelings of the events as follows: I was innocent of crime, and . . . I had been abused and thrust into a dungeon, and...
The Mormon Battalion

The Mormon Battalion

April 5, 1848 The enlistment of the Mormon Battalion in the service of the United States though looked upon by many with astonishment and some with fear, has proved a great blessing to this community. It was indeed the temporal salvation of our camp, and although it...
Thomas Kane

Thomas Kane

Col. Kane was a member of the U.S. Army who had empathy for the Saints during the march of the Mormon Battalion, when they had lost so many of their men, and endeavored to help them to the best of his ability. During a sickness he contracted while with the Saints, he...
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