Having only served as president of the Church for just over a year (as of the close of 2009), Thomas S. Monson has Oquirrh Mountain Utah Mormon Templealready accomplished much. He as already dedicated six temples, with eight more under construction since 2007, and more announced each year. The temples already completed include:

President Monson bears powerful testimony of the Savior:

“Our Mediator, our Redeemer, our Brother, our Advocate with the Father died for our sins and the sins of all mankind. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the foreordained but voluntary act of the Only Begotten Son of God. He offered His life as a redeeming ransom for us all. His mission, His ministry among men, His teachings of truth, His acts of mercy, His unwavering love for us prompt our gratitude and warm our hearts. Jesus Christ, Savior of the world—even the Son of God—was and is the ultimate pioneer, for He has gone before, showing all others the way to follow. May we ever follow Him” (“Led by Spiritual Pioneers,” Ensign, Aug. 2006, 8).

President Monson has been continuing the precedent set by several prophets before him of travelling the world and meeting with the Saints as often as he can. President Monson is known for heeding the promptings of the Holy Ghost and for urging others to do so as well. Known for telling personal stories and applying principles he has learned to everyday life, President Monson is beloved, admired, and respected by all who know him and by all who hear him speak. He will do many great things as the mouthpiece of the Lord in leading His church today.

Mormon FamilyThe Church leaders, under Thomas Monson’s guidance, continue to emphasize strong families and personal connectedness to God through a closeness to the Holy Ghost.  Another emphasized principle is preparedness and food storage.  President Monson leads at a time when the Church is under attack for its stance on same-sex marriage and its involvement in the political arena in the states in America where marriage laws are changing.  The Church upholds its right to express itself when the moral values of nations are challenged and also stands by its declaration that marriage is ordained of God and that marriage between a man and a woman is central to the health of society.  The Church will never change this policy, no matter how many people try to get it to.  The Lord speaks His will through His prophet, and the Church will always uphold and defend the commands of God.  Principles and commandments cannot be changed because of the desires of men.


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