History Mormon Battalion Chapter 01 Section S

Privates (2)

1 Allen George

2 Allen Elijah

3 Alexander Horace M.

4 Allen Franklin

5 Bush Richard

6 Bird William

7 Bingham Thomas

8 Bingham Erastus

9 Billings Orson

10 Bigler Henry W.

11 Boley Samuel (died on Missouri river)

12 Barrowman John

13 Brackenberry Benj. B.

14 Brown Francis

15 Bliss Robert S.

16 Bybee John

17 Clark George S.

18 Colton Philander

19 Cheney Zacheus

20 Callahan Thomas W.

21 Church Haden W.

22 Camp J. G.

23 Carter P. J.

24 Curtis Dorr P.

25 Carter R.

26 Dayton William J.

27 Dutcher Thomas P.

28 Dolton Henry S.

29 Dunham Albert

30 Evans Israel

31 Evans William

32 Eastman Marcus N.

33 Freeman Elijah N.

34 Follett William A.

35 Fife Peter

36 Green Ephraim

37 Garner William A.

38 Garner Phillip

39 Hawk Nathan

40 Huntsman Isaiah

41 Hoffheins Jacob

42 Hanks Ephraim R.

43 Hawk William

44 Hinkley Arza E. (Ezra on original)

45 Hunter Edward

46 Haskell George

47 Harris Silas

48 Jones David H.

49 Keyser Guy M.

50 King John M.

51 Kirk Thomas

52 Lawson John

53 Morris Thomas

54 McCarty Nelson

55 Mount Hiram B.

56 Martin Jesse B.

57 Murdock John R.

58 Murdock Price

59 Myers Samuel

60 Miles Samuel

61 Noler Christian

62 Owens Robert

63 Pearson Ephraim

64 Persons Harmon D.

65 Prouse William

66 Park James, 1st

67 Park James, 2nd

68 Richards Peter F.

69 Rogers Samuel H.

70 Study David

71 Smith Azariah

72 Stevens Lyman

73 Stoddard Rufus

74 Simmons William A.

75 Sly James C.

76 Steers Andrew J.

77 Stillman Dexter

78 Workman Andrew J.

79 Walker William

80 Willis Ira

81 Workman Oliver G.

82 Willis W. S. S.

83 Watts John

84 Whitney Francis T.

85 Wright Charles

86 Wilcox Edward

87 Wilcox Henry

88 Wheeler John L.

89 Winters Jacob

90 Zabriskie Jerome

Company C. Officers

James Brown, Captain

George W. Rosecrans, 1st Lieutenant

Samuel Thompson, 2nd Lieut.

Robert Clift, (promoted from Ord. Sergt. to 3rd Lieut.)

Orson B. Adams, 1 st Sergt. at M. I., 2nd Sergt. at M. O.

Elijah Elmer, 2nd Sergt. at M. I., 1st Sergt. at M. O.

Joel J Terrill, 3 rd Sergt. (Private at M. O.)

David Wilkin, 4th Sergt.; (Private at M. O.)

Jabez Nowlin, 1 st Corporal; (Private at M. O.)

Alexander Brown, 2nd Corp.

Edward Martin, 3 rd Corp.; (2nd Sergt. at M. O.)

Daniel Tyler, 4th Corp., (3rd Sergt. at M. O.)

Richard D. Sprague, Musician
Russell G. Brownell, (Corporal at M. O.)”

Privates (3)

1 Adair Wesley

2 Boyle Henry G. (Henry B. Miller on original)

3 Burt William

4 Barney Walter

5 Babcock Lorenzo

6 Brown Jesse J.

7 Bailey Addison

8 Bailey Jefferson

9 Beckstead William E.

10 Brim hall John

11 Blackburn Abner

12 Bybee Henry G.

13 Clift James

14 Covil John Q. A.

15 Condit Jeptha

16 Carpenter Isaac

17 Carpenter William H.

18 Calvert John

19 Catlin George W.

20 Donald Neal

21 Dunn James

22 Dalton Harry

23 Dalton Edward

24 Durphy Francillo

25 Dodge Augustus E.

26 Forbush Lorin

27 Fellows Hiram W.

28 Fife John

29 Fifield Levi

30 Gould John C.

31 Gould Samuel

32 Gibson Thomas

33 Green John

34 Hatch Meltliah

35 Hatch Orin

36 Holt William

37 Harmon Ebenezer

38 Harmon Lorenzo F.

39 Holdaway Shadrach

40 Hendrickson James

41 Hancock Charles

42 Hancock George W.

43 Ivie Thomas C.

44 Johnston William J.

45 Johnston Jesse W.

46 Johnson Jarvis

47 Layton Christopher

48 Larson Thurston

49 Landers Ebenezer

50 Lewis Samuel

51 Myler James

52 McCullough Levi H.

53 Morey Harley

54 Maggard Benjamin

55 Mowrey John T.

56 Mead Orlando F.

57 More Calvin W.

58 Olmstead Hiram

59 Perkins David

60 Perkins John

61 Pickup George

62 Peck Thorit, (Corp. at M. O.)

63 Peck Isaac

64 Pulsipher David

65 Persons Judson

66 Richie Benjamin

67 Rust William W.

68 Richmond Benjamin

69 Reynolds William

70 Riser John J.

71 Smith Milton

72 Smith Richard

73 Shupe James

74 Shupe Andrew J.

75 Shipley Joseph

76 Squires William (Corp. at M. O.)

77 Shumway Aurora

78 Thompson James L.

79 Thomas Nathan T.

80 Thomas Elijah

81 Tuttle Elanson

82 Truman Jacob M.

83 Tindell Solomon

84 Wade Edward W.

85 Wade Moses

86 Wood William

87 White John J.

88 Wilcox Matthew

89 Welsh Madison

90 Wheeler Henry

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